Health Foods
Fat Burning Foods

It seems like everyone now a days is obsessed with the notion of losing weight without a difficult regimen of diet and exercise. In fact, a lot of people are turning towards these as a way to cut down on the calories. While these folks will not be able to stop exercising and dieting completely, they will be able to take it down a notch, and as it turns out many of these are good for you also, so dieting almost takes care of its self (almost, not totally).

Incorporating fat burning foods in to your daily diet can be as easy or as difficult as you make it. There are a few pre prepared drinks that reportedly burn fat. These include energy drinks, teas, and even sodas. These all work by two different methods. The drinks either contain complex ingredients that take more energy to digest they they contain as calories, or they contain herbs and spices that are said to boost the metabolism. Tea has been used for many years as a possible contender in the list of fat burning foods. Green tea is often cited as having the most potential. Although it is somewhat unclear as to weather it is th ingredients in the green tea that give benefits, or the green tea as a source of caffeine. This is unfortunately the caveat faced with other fat burning foods as well. It is hard to pin down exactly what mechanism is used for fat burning other then the increased heart rate attributed to caffeine, and caffeine like compounds.

Other substances contained in fat burning foods that are believed to increase the metabolism include antioxidants, hot peppers, garlic, and ginger. Interestingly enough three of these ingredients are prominent in most Asian cooking; and as we all know Asians (when eating traditional foods) rarely become obese. The knowledge of antioxidants as an active ingredient in fat burning foods is rather recent and still rather undocumented. Thankfully there are so many benefits to eating foods rich in antioxidants that even if they turn out not to be fat burning foods you will still have received other benefits. Not to mention that fat burning foods rich in antioxidants tend to be quite lean an low in fat, so you will at least be eating a low fat diet (never a bad idea when you want to loose weight). Berries are known to be some of the richest sources of antioxidants out there, and the darker the berry, the more antioxidants. Blueberries, blackberries, and acai berries are some of the most antioxidant rich foods around.

In addition to your metabolism enhancing foods, eating a diet of fat burningfoods that burn more calories then they contain is an excellent contribution to a healthy routine of exercise and a balanced diet. Celery, and leafy greens are the two best examples of fat burning foods that contain fewer calories then they burn. This is mostly due to their high fiber content. The body uses more energy passing this fiber through the digestive system then the actual food contains, making high fiber low calorie vegetables excellent fat burning foods.

Rounding out your diet of fat burning foods with a multivitamin is a great idea. The simple fact is that most fat burning foods (while nutritious) do not contain every vitamin and nutrient that you need; and giving your body the nutrients it needs is possibly one of the most important steps for weight loss. Beyond a multivitamin, eating a balanced diet is also important. Definitely eat fat burning foods, but balance them with regular foods also; ensuring your body variety is important for maintaining health, and weigh loss.

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