Health Foods
Foods to Avoid

IBS is a digestive condition that affects many people's lives, but with the right diet it can be helped. People just need to educate themselves about the foods to avoid with IBS. This article is expert qualified nutritionist advice about the types of foods to avoid with IBS.

Expert Advice on Foods to Avoid With IBS

People who suffer from IBS may find it debilitating and affect their daily lifestyle. If you have IBS the single best thing you can do is learn about foods to avoid with IBS.

Chronic IBS suffers sometimes need to live different lifestyles and can't do a number of activities that others take for granted. Most so it can make people with chronic IBS to avoid certain social environments and activities through fear of having a bad reaction and not being able to keep their issue a personal secret. This can unfortunately cause them to feel socially outcast and shy away from certain social environments and certain hobbies or things like that.

The following information is for people who suffer from IBS or IBS pain and want to manage their condition through educating themselves about foods to avoid with IBS and making healthy food choices which will help manage and control IBS and allow them to live normal, stress and fear free lives where they do not need to feel left out and not let the condition rule their life.

Education is the key to finding an IBS solution
Educating yourself about the right foods and the wrong foods is the key to managing your IBS symptoms and IBS pain. The problem with IBS is that it won't just go away if you ignore the problem. So you have to face the issue, educate yourself and treat yourself in the correct way. This is the only true way to ensure that you can enjoy your life and live without the shackles of IBS.

Stress and IBS
IBS can be triggered by foods but unfortunately it can also be triggered by stress and emotions.
This is why educating yourself about the foods that will and will not cause you issues is the key to managing IBS pain. If you are confident about your food choices, then you will not be stress and as a result you will avoid the two most common causes.

Foods to Avoid With IBS

Alcohol in general can cause digestive issues for some, but when combined with carbonation/ bubbles (such as beer and champagne) it can double or triple the effect.

It is worth trialing a few different types of alcohol and seeing what effect it has on you. Some people may find some types of alcoholic drinks perfectly fine, while others cause a lot of issues. It is best to try to stick to 'cleaner' alcoholic options that are low in added sugars and are free from gluten, preservatives, sulfates and other common processing inclusions. Spirits without carbonated mixes are usually a pretty good option - but once again it is a bit of trial and error until you find something that suits you.

Gluten is a major allergen and many people's digestive systems cannot handle this ingredient. Unfortunately our bodies were not designed to digest gluten as throughout our human evolutionary period gluten was nonexistent.

It is not until recent years that gluten was brought into the human diet and due to its ease of storage, low-cost, high production ease and ease for transport it because a major staple in the human diet. Foods like breads, pasta, cake, pastries and so on all contain gluten. Gluten is the major protein that comes from grains such as barely, wheat and rye. Even people without IBS can have major issues with gluten in the diet and cause things such as eczema and chronic sinus. So look to cut this out of the diet and you'll immediately feel much better. Also ensure to read food labels and look out for the code names of gluten such as 'modified food starch'. Gluten is used in a lot of processed foods so be sure to check label and shop at places that are known for holding a wide range of gluten-free foods - like local health food shops or online.

Rice and corn flour is a great alternative to wheat flour and other high gluten grains.
Soy is one of the top 8 irritants for digestive health. Soy based products and processed food containing soy should be avoided.

Sugar alternatives/ sweeteners
Sugar free alternatives when broken down in your digestive system cause gas, wind and bloating in most people even if they don't have IBS. So it is obvious that these ingredient and foods should be avoided for people who suffer from IBS. Avoid at all cost. Natural alternatives like stevia pure leaf extract might be a good alternative for some who need to have a sweetener, but still use in moderation.
Foods to high in sugar (particularly highly processed white table sugar) can cause issues as well. Avoid processed highly refined sugar foods like pastries, white breads, sugars and so on.

Foods that is overly high in fat cause havoc with your digestive system. This is not to say that all fats are bad and fats should be avoided at all costs. Healthy fats such as Omega 3 are vital to good health and a healthy digestive system. Including oily fish such as salmon is one of the best ways to do this. Other alternatives are including healthy grains like flax seeds (or also called linseeds) and chia seeds (very high in protein also). These high omega 3 grains do not give that fishy smell or reflux that some people can get from fish oil capsules.

For more information and a more complete list click on the following link for foods to avoid with IBS
Expert Nutritionist advice on the foods to avoid with ibs.

For more detailed information you can go to
Chris Lynton
M.H.Nutr., BSc., G.Dip.Nutr.

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